Monday, January 25, 2010


This assignment was given to us the second week of this semester. The key was to pick a two page spread from a design magazine and to replicate it using the theme of "My first week back" I chose my spread from the May 2007 issue of Metropolis Magazine (pages 122 and 123). For my pictures I chose a few things that reminded me of my first week back which included a backpack, triangle, ruler, and yes a hotdog from Yum Yums!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Shadow boxes

Taking the objects from the junk drawer assignment we took the shading technique a step further and drew shaded 3D boxes to put the junk drawer objects in.

Junk drawer

For our junk drawer project we were in the process of practicing different shading techniques on objects that would be in a "junk drawer"

sticks and cell phones continued

these drawings are continued from the sticks and cellphones project

Sticks and cell phones

To make the explanation of this project short, the assignment for this project was to get a stick and a cell phone and draw 16 different views of each object. We then took those 16 and drew 32 of that object and then 64 of that object, and then we were to combine the two objects in several drawings.

original drawings of stick and cell phone

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

10.14.09 Sketch Assignment 4

These five drawings were for sketch assignment four. The assignment was to draw people in five different public places, so these drawings are pretty self-explanatory.